When I first had the idea to start Crowflight Technology, my goal was to support legal services professionals by solving their problems in the most efficient way possible—instead of taking the side streets, or even the highway, we’d get there directly, ‘as the crow flies.’
—This doesn’t mean shortcuts—it means creating the best living path that works for your firm.
There are expenses to be saved and processes to be improved, but they can’t all happen tomorrow.
So much of what your firm manages: data, systems, processes, teams, can be strategically restructured to be better, faster, safer, cheaper, more-available; all while giving your amazing team members more time to devote toward their higher causes.
Our entire idea: framework, support networks, early adapters, is just starting to develop. Please contact me directly at joe.craven@crowflighttech.com if you’d like to have a conversation. Mention something about how you found me if you wouldn’t mind.
Joe Craven
Owner, Crowflight Technology